
351 lines
10 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Generate an index of a file tree
import os
import sys
from enum import Enum, auto
from dataclasses import dataclass
from time import time
import json
import resource
import typing
import logging
# import ipdb
class NodeType(Enum):
DIR = auto()
FILE = auto()
ROOT = auto() # behaves like a dir but has special handling in some places
LINK = auto()
SPECIAL = auto()
class NodeGroup(object):
DIRLIKE = {NodeType.DIR, NodeType.ROOT}
FILELIKE = {NodeType.FILE, NodeType.LINK, NodeType.SPECIAL}
# this costs about 380 bytes per file/directory
class Node:
name: str
typ: int
children: list
size: int
parent: "Node"
total_size_cache: int = None
def total_size(self) -> int:
if self.total_size_cache is None:
if self.typ in NodeGroup.DIRLIKE:
self.total_size_cache = sum([node.total_size for node in self.children])
self.total_size_cache = self.size
return self.total_size_cache
total_children_cache: int = None
def total_children(self) -> int:
if self.total_children_cache is None:
self.total_children_cache = sum([c.total_children for c in self.children]) + len(self.children)
return self.total_children_cache
def serialize(self) -> dict:
Return a dictionary representation of the node suitable for plain text serialization such as json.
Note that we could recurse here and nest children within this object as they are in the actual node, but that
would require that the resulting json blob be loaded in one go.
return dict(name=self.name,
children=[id(n) for n in self.children],
def iter(self, include_self=True) -> typing.Generator["Node", None, None]:
iterate the subtree this node is the root of
if include_self:
yield self
for child in self.children:
yield from child.iter()
def path(self):
parts = [self.name]
while True:
if self.parent is None:
parts.insert(0, self.parent.name)
self = self.parent
return parts
def __hash__(self):
return id(self)
# def __str__(self): # TODO, because the default str() shows all the children recursively
# pass
def get_type(dirpath):
if os.path.isdir(dirpath):
return NodeType.DIR
elif os.path.islink(dirpath):
return NodeType.LINK
elif os.path.isfile(dirpath):
return NodeType.FILE
return NodeType.SPECIAL
# TODO other types
def gen_db_recurse(dirpath, parent=None, is_root=False):
returns a node representing the file/directory at dirpath
:param dirpath: absolute path to the item
children = []
node = Node(name=dirpath if is_root else os.path.basename(dirpath),
typ=NodeType.ROOT if is_root else get_type(dirpath),
# TODO replace the below try/except with stat()
if node.typ == NodeType.FILE: # todo account for link and dir sizes somewhere
node.size = os.path.getsize(dirpath)
except (PermissionError, FileNotFoundError, OSError) as e:
logging.warning(f"Could not access {dirpath}: {e}")
if os.path.isdir(dirpath) and not os.path.islink(dirpath):
flist = []
flist = os.listdir(dirpath)
except (PermissionError, FileNotFoundError, OSError) as e:
logging.info(f"Could not access {dirpath}: {e}")
for i in flist: # TODO we could probably parallelize the recursion down different trees?
children.append(gen_db_recurse(os.path.join(dirpath, i), parent=node))
return node
def gen_db(root):
database = gen_db_recurse(root, is_root=True)
return database
def print_db(node, indents=0):
indent = "\t" * indents
print(f"{indent}{node.name}: {node.typ}: {node.total_size()}b")
for item in node.children:
print_db(item, indents + 1)
def serialize_db(db):
Yield a stream of strings that contain a serialized copy of the database. The serialized format is newline separated
json objects. Example directory tree:
This would be serialized as:
{"name": "root_dir", "typ": 3, "children": [1, 2], "size": 0, "parent": null, "id": 0}
{"name": "hello.txt", "typ": 2, "children": [], "size": 92863, "parent": 0, "id": 1}
{"name": "foo", "typ": 1, "children": [3], "size": 0, "parent": 0, "id": 2}
{"name": "bar.txt", "typ": 2, "children": [], "size": 19459, "parent": 2, "id": 3}
Note that:
- parent is null on the root node
- child/parent relationships are by node id
- it is possible to append entries to the dump at a later time
- removing files directly from the serialized dump is technically possible
for node in db.iter():
yield node.serialize()
def gen_node_index(db):
index = {}
for node in db.iter():
index[id(node)] = node
return index
def write_db(db, fobj):
for ob in serialize_db(db):
fobj.write(json.dumps(ob) + "\n")
def load_db(fpath):
Loading the db
1) parse all node objects and save them in a cache keyed by the embedded IDs
2) for each node in the cache:
3) re-establish child/parent pointers
Note that the cache is discarded and does NOT become the node id cache because it is keyed by the serialized IDs
On my i7-7920HQ CPU @ 3.10GHz, loading a 276M dump with 2.2M lines takes 22s
nodecache = {} # mapping of serialized_id->object
root = None
with open(fpath) as f:
for line in f.readlines():
info = json.loads(line)
node = Node(name=info["name"],
children=info["children"], # keep as IDs for now
parent=None) # this could be 'nodecache[info["parent"]]' but that assumes the dump is in order
nodecache[info["id"]] = node
# if node.parent is None:
# root = node
for oldid, node in nodecache.items():
node.children = [nodecache[child_old_id] for child_old_id in node.children]
if node.parent is not None:
node.parent = nodecache[node.parent]
return root
def node_by_path(db, path):
if not path:
return db
for node in db.children:
if node.name == path[0]:
return node_by_path(node, path[1:])
def test_gen_write_db(path):
path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(path))
# start = time()
before = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss
db = gen_db(path)
after = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss
# print(f"recursed in {round(time()-start, 2)}s")
# print_db(db)
usage = after - before
num_nodes = len([i for i in db.iter()])
per_node = usage // num_nodes
predict = 1000000
print(f"allocated {round(usage/1024/1024, 2)} MB")
print(f"tracking {num_nodes} nodes")
print(f"per node {per_node} B")
print(f"cost for {predict} nodes: {round(per_node*predict/1024/1024, 2)} MB")
# import pdb
# pdb.set_trace()
# start = time()
# sz = db.total_size()
# print(f"total size: {sz}b")
# print(f"total size: {round(sz/1000/1000/1000, 3)}gb")
# print(f"calced size {round(time()-start, 2)}s")
# start = time()
# count = 0
# for _ in recurse_nodes(db):
# count += 1
# print(f"total nodes: {count}")
# print(f"counted nodes size {round(time()-start, 2)}s")
# nodecache = {}
# with open("testdb.jsonl", "w") as f:
# write_db(db, f)
# for node in recurse_nodes(db):
# print(node.name)
# ipdb.set_trace()
# pass
def test_load_db(fpath):
start = time()
db = load_db(fpath)
print(f"loaded database {round(time()-start, 2)}s")
start = time()
count = 0
for n in db.iter():
count += 1
print(f"counted {count} nodes in {round(time()-start, 2)}s")
start = time()
index = gen_node_index(db)
print(f"generated index with {len(index)} nodes in {round(time()-start, 2)}s")
def main(path):
# test_load_db(path)
if __name__ == '__main__':
- visualizer
- handling unaccounted space
i.e. when dirs cant be scanned due to permission denied we'll see a difference between actual disk usage and our
calculation. the difference can be treated as its own "unknown" cell
- add some sort of option to prevent scans from crossing mountpoints
- multiple roots
- list mode:
- hide dot files
- list subdirs first
- link to dir/file by permanent URL
- we use id()s now
- switch to path, finding a node by following the path through the database should be inexpensive
- on 'still scanning' page estimate a completion percentage based on $tree_total_size / $disk_used
- this implies no filesystem crossing
- unless we're incrementally updating the tree lol -
we can get % done based on parents touched vs previous node count
App planning:
- single page webui
- probably a (sorted) table for now
- shows a list of child nodes sorted by (recursive) size (maybe we can precompute and cache top-level totals?)
- children count is shown too
- child nodes (that are directories) can be clicked on and the next page will show their children
- child nodes (that are files) provide no interactivity
- the above should be a reasonable base for fancier visualization, a frontend piechart is trivial
- a voronoi map would require recursing each child a few more levels doable.
- rescan / update
- need to be able to rescan the filesystem (at interval or upon request)
- Can we modify the tree in place?
- Create a nodebypath function, retrieve a node reference based on a filesystem path
- this should be useful when doing update scans
- perhaps filesystem watches at a later point