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2018-10-21 16:37:53 -07:00
Software repository server
Artifact provides an HTTP API for repository management. Currently, Python and Apt repositories are supported.
* Pull or build the image
* `docker run -it --rm -v /some/host/dir:/data -p 80:8080 artifact`
Persistent data will be placed in `/data`. The webserver will listen on port 8080 by default.
Upload python package:
`curl -vv -F 'f=@pyircbot-4.0.0.post3-py3.5.egg' 'http://host/addpkg?provider=pypi&reponame=main&name=pyircbot&version=4.0.0'`
Install python packages:
`pip3 install -f http://host/repo/pypi/main/ --trusted-host host repobot`
Upload apt package:
`curl -vv -F 'f=@extpython-python3.7_3.7.0_amd64.deb' 'http://host/addpkg?provider=apt&reponame=main&name=extpython-python3.7&version=3.7.0&dist=bionic'`
Install apt packages:
wget -qO- http://host/repo/apt/main/repo.key | apt-key add - && \
echo "deb http://host/repo/apt/main bionic main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list && \
apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y extpython-python3.6
2018-10-28 16:46:40 -07:00
Repobot can automatically copy packages to neighbor repobot instances. Pass `-n` with one or more neighbor addresses in
the format of ``. When new packages are submitted, they will be queued for replication. The server
will periodically attempt to submit the package to each neighbor.
2018-10-21 16:37:53 -07:00
* Repos are created automatically when a package is added to them.
* Repo URLs are structured as: `/repo/<provider>/<name>`. Deeper URLs are handled directly by the provider.
* The apt provider will generate a gpg key per repo upon repo creation
* Auth
* Delete packages
* Human-readable package listing
* Support using existing GPG keys