
553 lines
15 KiB
Executable File

package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $conf_file = $ARGV[0] || "./contrib/conf.yml";
my $bot = BasicButtBot->new(config => $conf_file);
# fly, my pretties, fly!
package BasicButtBot;
use base qw/Bot::BasicBot/;
# What would you like to Butt today?
use Butts;
# config-parsing is a bit passe.
use YAML::Any;
use Data::Dumper;
# so we can hax our own handlers for things.
use POE;
sub init {
my $self = shift;
$self->{settings}->{friends} = {};
$self->{settings}->{enemies} = {};
$self->{authed_nicks} = {};
$self->{in_channels} = {};
# TODO: should we pass more options in?
$self->{butter} = Butts->new(meme => $self->config('meme'));
if ($self->config('debug')) {
$self->log("DBG: Debugging output enabled\n");
sub load_config {
my ($self, $reload) = @_;
$reload = 0 unless defined $reload;
my $config = YAML::Any::LoadFile($conf_file);
# only load these settings at startup.
unless ($reload) {
$self->{$_} = $config->{connection}->{$_}
for (keys %{$config->{connection}});
my ($old_friends, $old_enemies)
= ($self->{settings}->{friends},
$self->{settings}->{$_} = $config->{settings}->{$_}
for (keys %{$config->{settings}});
# merge the old copies with the new ones (in case we're reloading)
$self->{settings}->{friends}->{keys %$old_friends}
= values %{$old_friends};
$self->{settings}->{enemies}->{keys %$old_enemies}
= values %{$old_enemies};
sub start_state {
# in ur states, adding extra events so we can invite and shiz.
my ( $self, $kernel, $session ) = @_[ OBJECT, KERNEL, SESSION ];
my $ret = $self->SUPER::start_state($self, $kernel, $session);
$kernel->state('irc_invite', $self, 'handle_invite');
$kernel->state('irc_405', $self, 'handle_err_too_many_chans');
return $ret;
sub handle_err_too_many_chans {
my ($self, $server, $msg_text, $msg_parsed)
= @_[OBJECT, ARG0, ARG1, ARG2];
$self->log("IRC: too many channels:\n" . Dumper($msg_parsed) . "\n");
# TODO: how can we let the user who requested us know that we're
# unable to comply? Maybe keep a queue of pending commands, and
# only respond ok/err when we get an appropriate response from server.
sub handle_invite {
my ($self, $inviter, $channel) = @_[OBJECT, ARG0, ARG1];
$inviter = $self->nick_strip($inviter);
if ($self->config_bool('invite')) {
$self->log("IRC: Going to join $channel, invited by $inviter\n");
} else {
$self->pm_reply($inviter, "Sorry, inviting is disabled by the admin.");
$self->log("IRC: invite refused from $inviter to $channel\n");
sub join_channel {
my ($self, $channel, $key) = @_;
$key = '' unless defined $key;
$self->log("IRC: Joining channel [$channel]\n");
$poe_kernel->post($self->{IRCNAME}, 'join', $channel, $key);
sub leave_channel {
my ($self, $channel, $part_msg) = @_;
$part_msg ||= "ButtBot Go Byebye!";
$self->log("IRC: Leaving channel [$channel]: \"$part_msg\"\n");
$poe_kernel->post($self->{IRCNAME}, 'part', $channel, $part_msg);
sub change_nick {
my ($self, $new_nick) = @_;
$poe_kernel->post($self->{IRCNAME}, 'nick', $new_nick);
$self->log("IRC: changing nick to $new_nick\n");
sub in_channel {
my ($self, $channel, $present) = @_;
if (defined $present) {
if (!$present) {
delete $self->{in_channels}->{$channel}
if exists $self->{in_channels}->{$channel};
} else {
$self->{in_channels}->{$channel} = 1;
return $self->{in_channels}->{$channel};
sub get_all_channels {
my ($self) = @_;
return keys %{ $self->{in_channels} };
sub nick_change {
my ($self, $from, $to) = @_;
if ($self->is_me($from)) {
$self->{nick} = $to;
$self->log("IRC: changed own nick from $from to $to\n");
sub chanjoin {
my ($self, $ref) = @_;
my ($channel, $who) = @{$ref}{qw/channel who/};
$self->log("IRC: [$channel] $who joined\n");
if ($self->is_me($who)) {
$self->in_channel($channel, 1);
sub chanpart {
my ($self, $ref) = @_;
my ($channel, $who) = @{$ref}{qw/channel who/};
$self->log("IRC: [$channel] $who left\n");
if ($self->is_me($who)) {
$self->in_channel($channel, 0);
sub kicked {
my ($self, $ref) = @_;
my ($channel, $who, $who_by, $why) =
@{$ref}{qw/channel kicked who reason/};
$self->log("$who just got kicked from $channel by $who_by: \"$why\"\n");
if ($self->is_me($who)) {
$self->in_channel($channel, 0);
# TODO: refactor these 3 better. Emote should never have to deal with commands
# or prefixes. Just a message to be re-butted.
sub emoted {
my ($self, $ref) = @_;
$self->handle_said_emoted($ref, 1);
sub said {
my ($self, $ref) = @_;
$self->handle_said_emoted($ref, 0);
sub handle_said_emoted {
my ($self, $ref, $reply_as_emote) = @_;
# slicin' ma hashes.
my ($channel, $body, $address, $who) =
@{$ref}{qw/channel body address who/};
# address doesn't even get set unless it's true :(
$address ||= 0;
print STDERR Dumper($ref);
print STDERR "\n---------\n";
if ($channel ne 'msg') {
my $addressed = $address ne 'msg';
# normal command
# eg: <bob> ButtBot: stop it
return if $self->handle_channel_command($who,
} elsif ($channel eq 'msg') {
# parse for command
return if $self->handle_pm_command($who, $body);
# butting is the default behaviour.
$self->log("BUTT: Might butt\n");
if ($self->to_butt_or_not_to_butt($who, $body)) {
$self->log("BUTT: Butting $who in [$channel]\n");
$self->buttify_message($who, $channel, $body, $reply_as_emote, 0);
sub parse_command {
my ($self, $msg, $require_prefix) = @_;
my $cmd_prefix = quotemeta($self->config('cmd_prefix'));
$require_prefix = 1 unless defined $require_prefix;
if (!$require_prefix) {
$cmd_prefix .= '?';
if ($msg =~ m/^$cmd_prefix([\w_-]+)\s*(.*)$/) {
return ($1, $2);
} else {
return ();
sub _parse_channel {
# parse a string into a channel (optionally with a leading # or &), and the
# remainder of the string.
my ($str) = @_;
if ($str =~ m/^([#&]?)([^,\s\x07]+)\s*(.*)$/) {
return ($1.$2, $3) if $1;
return ('#'.$2, $3);
return (undef, $str);
sub pm_reply {
my ($self, $who, $msg) = @_;
$self->say(who => $who, channel => 'msg', body => $msg);
# TODO: handle de-authentication when nick changes(?) or leaves all shared
# channels.
sub handle_pm_command {
my ($self, $who, $msg) = @_;
$self->log("CMD: testing for PM command: [$who], [$msg]\n");
my ($cmd, $args) = $self->parse_command($msg);
return 0 unless defined $cmd && length $cmd;
$self->log("CMD: [$msg] is a PM command\n");
# commands that don't need authentication
# NB: They need to call return or they'll hit the auth barrier.
if ($cmd eq 'auth') {
if ($args eq $self->config('pass')) {
$self->auth_set($who, 1);
$self->pm_reply($who, "Hello again!");
} else {
$self->pm_reply($who, "Authentication Failed :(");
return 1;
} elsif ($cmd eq 'friend') {
# TODO: become friend/enemy
} elsif ($cmd eq 'butt') {
$self->buttify_message($who, 'msg', $args, 0);
return 1;
# do some authentication
unless ($self->is_authed($who)) {
$self->pm_reply($who, "You're not authenticated :(");
return 1;
# TODO: command to query/set butt frequencies?
# commands that *do* need authentication
if ($cmd eq 'join') {
my ($arg_chan, $arg_rem) = _parse_channel($args);
if (defined $arg_chan) {
if ($self->in_channel($arg_chan)) {
$self->pm_reply($who, "I'm already in that channel!");
} else {
$self->pm_reply($who, "Joining channel $1");
} else {
$self->pm_reply($who, "I needs a channel name please.");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'leave') {
my ($arg_chan, $arg_msg) = _parse_channel($args);
if (defined $arg_chan) {
if (!$self->in_channel($arg_chan)) {
$self->pm_reply($who, "I'm not in that channel!");
} else {
$self->leave_channel($arg_chan, $arg_msg);
$self->pm_reply($who, "Ok.");
} else {
$self->pm_reply($who, "I needs a channel name please. "
. "Also maybe a message.");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'change-nick') {
unless ($self->config_bool('changenick')) {
$self->pm_reply($who, "Sorry, changing nicks is disabled.");
return 1;
if ($args =~ m/^(\w+)/) {
$self->pm_reply($who, "Ok.");
} else {
$self->pm_reply($who, "Can't change it to that, boss");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'set-meme') {
unless ($self->config_bool('set_meme')) {
$self->pm_reply($who, "Changing the meme is disabled, sorry");
return 1;
if ($args =~ m/^(\w+)/) {
my $old_meme = $self->config('meme');
$self->config('meme', $1);
$self->pm_reply($who, "Changed meme from [$old_meme] to [$1]");
} else {
$self->pm_reply($who, "Meme unchanged. Learn some syntax");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'deauth') {
$self->auth_set($who, 0);
$self->pm_reply($who, "Ok. See you again sometime");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'channel-list') {
my @channels = $self->get_all_channels;;
$self->pm_reply($who, "I'm in: " . join(', ', @channels));
} elsif ($cmd eq 'reload') {
unless ($self->config_bool('reload')) {
$self->pm_reply($who, "Reloading is disabled.");
return 1;
# reload settings, but not connection info.
$self->pm_reply($who, "Config reloaded");
} else {
$self->pm_reply($who, "Dunno what you want.");
return 1;
sub handle_channel_command {
my ($self, $who, $channel, $msg, $addressed) = @_;
# return false if we don't handle a command, so things can
# be appropriately butted.
$self->log("CMD: testing user command\n");
# if we were addressed (as <foo> BotNick: CMD), don't require
# the command prefix char. Otherwise do.
my ($cmd, $args) = $self->parse_command($msg, $addressed?0:1);
return 0 unless defined $cmd && length $cmd;
if ($cmd eq 'butt') {
$self->buttify_message($who, $channel, $args, 1);
return 1;
return 0;
# TODO: !stopit - adds them to the enemies list.
# TODO: !butt - randomly butts something?
sub buttify_message {
my ($self, $who, $where,
$what, $reply_as_emote,
$prefix_addressee) = @_;
my $meme = $self->config('meme');
$prefix_addressee = 0 unless defined $prefix_addressee;
my $butt_msg = $self->{butter}->buttify_string($what);
unless ($self->_was_string_butted($what, $butt_msg)) {
$self->log("BUTT: String \"$butt_msg\" wasn't butted");
return 0;
if ($reply_as_emote) {
$self->emote(channel => $where, who => $who,
body => $butt_msg, address => 0);
} else {
$self->say(channel => $where, who => $who,
body => $butt_msg, address => $prefix_addressee);
sub to_butt_or_not_to_butt {
my ($self, $sufferer, $message) = @_;
my $rnd_max = 0;
my $frequencies = $self->config('frequency');
return 0 if $self->might_be_a_bot($sufferer);
# Fixes issue 6.
unless ($self->_is_string_buttable($message)) {
$self->log("BUTT: String is not buttable");
return 0;
if ($self->is_enemy($sufferer)) {
$self->log("BUTT: [$sufferer:enemy] not butting\n");
return 0;
} elsif ($self->is_friend($sufferer)) {
$rnd_max = $frequencies->{friend};
$self->log("BUTT: [$sufferer:friend] prob is 1/$rnd_max\n");
} else {
$rnd_max = $frequencies->{normal};
$self->log("BUTT: [$sufferer:normal] prob is 1/$rnd_max\n");
my $rnd = int rand $rnd_max;
return ($rnd==0);
# FIX for
# Message must contain at least some word characters that we can butt.
sub _is_string_buttable {
my ($self, $str) = @_;
return $str =~ m/[a-zA-Z]+/;
# test if a string is the same as it was pre- and post-butting.
# returns true if strings are different
sub _was_string_butted {
my ($self, $in, $out) = @_;
my $meme = $self->config('meme');
# we can't trust whitespace, since we might have trimmed it differently.
$in =~ s/\s+//g;
$out =~ s/\s+//g;
return (lc($in) ne lc($out)) && ($out =~ m/\Q$meme\E/i);
sub might_be_a_bot {
my ($self, $who) = @_;
return ($who =~ m/cout|(?:bot$)/i);
sub is_enemy {
my ($self, $who) = @_;
my $enemies = $self->config('enemies');
return exists $enemies->{$who}
sub is_friend {
my ($self, $who) = @_;
my $friends = $self->config('friends');
return exists $friends->{$who}
sub is_me {
my ($self, $who) = @_;
# TODO: support B::BBot's alt_nicks param too?
return $self->{nick} eq $who;
sub config {
my ($self, $key, $value) = @_;
if (defined $value) {
$self->{settings}->{$key} = $value;
$self->log("CFG: $key requested doesn't exist\n")
unless exists $self->{settings}->{$key};
return $self->{settings}->{$key};
sub config_bool {
# types :(
my ($self, $key, $value) = @_;
if (defined $value) {
$self->{settings}->{$key} = $value?1:0;
my $val = $self->{settings}->{$key} || 0;
if ($val =~ m/(?:[tT]rue)|(?:[Yy]es)|1/) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
sub is_authed {
my ($self, $nick) = @_;
return exists($self->{authed_nicks}->{$nick});
sub auth_set {
my ($self, $nick, $auth) = @_;
if ($auth) {
$self->{authed_nicks}->{$nick} = 1;
} else {
if ($self->is_authed($nick)) {
} else {
$self->log("Trying to de-auth someone who isn't authenticated: $nick\n");
sub log {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->config_bool('debug')) {