
138 lines
3.2 KiB

use TeX::Hyphen;
use List::Util 'max';
our $hyp;
if ( -e "hyphen.tex") {
$hyp = new TeX::Hyphen file=>"hyphen.tex";
} else {
$hyp = new TeX::Hyphen ;
sub buttify {
my (@words) = (@_);
my $rep = int(@words/11)+1;
my $c =0;
# sort indicies by word length
my @longest= map { $_->[0] }
sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] }
map { [$c++ , length($_) ] } @words;
# remove stop words
@longest = grep {$words[$_] !~/^(a|an|and|or|but|it|in|its|It's|it's|the|of|you|I|i)$/} @longest;
# print "Words in order: ".join(",",map {$words[$_]} @longest)."\n";
# create weighed index array of words by length
my @index= map {$longest[$_]} weighed_index_array(scalar @longest);
#print "Weighed words in order: ".join(",",map {$words[$_]} @index)."\n";
shuffle(\@index) if (scalar @index);
while ($c < $rep) {
return @words;
sub buttifynew {
my (@words) = (@_);
my $rep = int(@words/11)+1;
my $c =0;
# create list of weights and sort them.
my $factor = max(map {length($_)} @words);
# print "Factor : $factor \n";
# sort indicies by word length
my @pairs = map { [$c++,length($_)] } @words;
#print "Pairs: ".join(",",map{$_->[0]." ".$_->[1]}@pairs)."\n";
@pairs = grep {$words[$_->[0]] !~/^(a|an|and|or|but|it|in|the|of|you|I|i)$/} @pairs;
#print "Stripped Pairs: ".join(",",map{$_->[0]." ".$_->[1]}@pairs)."\n";
#@pairs = map { [$_->[0], rand($factor**$_->[1])**(1.0/$_->[1])]} @pairs;
@pairs = map { [$_->[0], rand($_->[1]**$factor)**(1.0/$factor)]} @pairs;
#@pairs = map { [$_->[0], log(rand(exp($_->[1]))+1)]} @pairs;
#print "Weighed Pairs: ".join(",",map{$_->[0]." ".$_->[1]}@pairs)."\n";
@pairs = sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1]} @pairs;
#print "Sorted Pairs: ".join(",",map{$_->[0]." ".$_->[1]}@pairs)."\n";
my @index = map { $_->[0]} @pairs;
# remove stop words
while ($c < $rep) {
return @words;
sub buttsub {
my $word = shift @_;
my @points = $hyp->hyphenate($word);
my $factor = 2;
my $len = scalar @points;
my $replace = $len -1 - int(rand($len ** $factor) ** (1.0/$factor));
push @points,length($word);
my $l = $points[$replace];
my $r = $points[$replace+1]- $l ;
while (substr($word,$l+$r,1) eq "t") { $r++; }
my $sub = substr($word,$l,$r);
my $butt ="butt";
if ($sub eq uc $sub) {
$butt = "BUTT";
} elsif ($sub =~/^[A-Z]/) {
$butt = "Butt";
substr($word,$l,$r) = $butt;
return $word;
## perl cookbook
# fisher_yates_shuffle( \@array ) : generate a random permutation
# of @array in place
sub shuffle {
my $array = shift;
my $i;
for ($i = @$array; --$i; ) {
my $j = int rand ($i+1);
next if $i == $j;
@$array[$i,$j] = @$array[$j,$i];
sub weighed_index_array {
my $len = shift;
my $c = 0;
my $n = $len;
my @a = ();
while ($c < $len) {
push @a, ($c) x ($n*$n);
return @a;