archive in parallel

This commit is contained in:
dave 2017-10-29 00:52:21 -07:00
parent a9cb23c83d
commit cf3402cfd6
1 changed files with 19 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -5,11 +5,27 @@ import datetime
import argparse
from collections import defaultdict
from tabulate import tabulate
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from irclogtools.containers import CombinedLogfile
from import discover_logfiles
def archiveit(output_dir, _channel, _logfiles):
fout = os.path.join(output_dir, "{}.log".format(_channel))
log = CombinedLogfile(fout)
for item in _logfiles:
def by_totalsize(logfiles):
Given a list of `LogFile`s, return the total reported size, in bytes
return sum([i.bytes() for i in logfiles])
def main():
Tool for archiving IRC logs (in ZNC's log format: Network_#channel_20170223.log). In testing, inputs and outputs
@ -63,12 +79,9 @@ def main():
_display = [[k, len(v)] for k, v in by_channel.items()]
print(tabulate(sorted(_display, key=lambda x: x[0].lower()), headers=["channel", "num logs"]) + "\n")
for channel, logfiles in by_channel.items():
fout = os.path.join(args.output, "{}.log".format(channel))
log = CombinedLogfile(fout)
for item in logfiles:
with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=os.cpu_count() * 2) as tp:
for channel, logfiles in sorted(by_channel.items(), key=lambda x: by_totalsize(x[1]), reverse=True):
tp.submit(archiveit, args.output, channel, logfiles)
elif args.action == "inspect":
log = CombinedLogfile(args.file)