
248 lines
7.6 KiB

package main
import (
var (
cmd_import = kingpin.Command("import", "Import raw logs into archives")
cmd_import_dir = cmd_import.Flag("dir", "dir containing raw znc log files").Short('d').Required().String()
cmd_import_output = cmd_import.Flag("output", "dir to place created archives").Short('o').Required().String()
cmd_import_all = cmd_import.Flag("all", "Import all log files, not only channels").Bool()
cmd_inspect = kingpin.Command("inspect", "Enumerate the contents of archives")
cmd_inspect_fpath = cmd_inspect.Flag("file", "log archive file to inspect").Short('f').Required().String()
cmd_slice = kingpin.Command("slice", "Extract potions of archives given a date range")
cmd_slice_src = cmd_slice.Flag("src", "Source archive file").Short('s').Required().ExistingFile()
cmd_slice_dest = cmd_slice.Flag("dest", "Dest archive file").Short('d').Required().String()
cmd_slice_start = cmd_slice.Flag("start", "Start timestamp such as 2016-1-1").String()
cmd_slice_end = cmd_slice.Flag("end", "End timestamp such as 2016-12-31").String()
cmd_slice_raw = cmd_slice.Flag("all", "Export raw lines instead of archives").Bool()
cmd_split = kingpin.Command("split", "Split archives by date")
cmd_split_src = cmd_split.Flag("src", "Source archive file").Short('s').Required().ExistingFile()
cmd_split_dest = cmd_split.Flag("dest", "Dir to dump logs into").Short('d').Required().String()
type LogInfo struct {
file os.FileInfo
path string
network string
channel string
date time.Time
// Given a source dir, scan the files and return a Slice of LogInfo structs describing the logs
func discover_logs(srcdir string) ([]LogInfo) {
var logs []LogInfo;
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(srcdir)
if err != nil {
for _, file := range files { // TODO parallelize log parsing?
_log_info := parse_log_name(file.Name())
_log_info.file = file
_log_info.path = filepath.Join(srcdir, file.Name()) // TODO normalize srcdir
logs = append(logs, _log_info)
return logs
var re_fname = regexp.MustCompile("((?P<network>[^_]+)_)?(?P<channel>.+)_(?P<date>[0-9]+)\\.log")
// Given the name of a logfile, return a LogInfo object containing info parsed from the fname
func parse_log_name(logname string) (LogInfo) {
matches := re_fname.FindStringSubmatch(logname)
if len(matches) != 5 { // re should match [garbage, garbage, network, channel, date]
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Wrong number of matched fields matched for %v: %+v", logname, matches))
log_info := LogInfo{
network: matches[2],
channel: matches[3],
date: ParseDate(matches[4]),
return log_info
// Load the contents of a logfile into a 2d byte array. Each top-level entry is a line from the log.
func load_raw_log(fpath string) ([][]byte, int) {
var lines [][]byte;
totalsize := 0
f, err := os.Open(fpath)
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(f)
for scanner.Scan() {
buf := scanner.Bytes()
line := make([]byte, len(buf))
copy(line, buf)
lines = append(lines, line)
totalsize += len(scanner.Bytes())
return lines, totalsize
// Dump all given logs into a single archive
func archive_log(logs []LogInfo, archive_path string) {
archive := CombinedLogfile{
fpath: archive_path,
// For each log
for _, log := range logs {
// Load the log into a LogPortion
log_data, total_size := load_raw_log(log.path)
logportion := LogPortion{
meta: PortionMeta{
Channel: log.channel,
Date: log.date,
Lines: len(log_data),
Name: log.file.Name(),
Network: log.network,
Size: total_size,
lines: log_data,
// Add porition to archive
// Write archive
err := archive.Write(archive_path)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Could not write %s - %v\n", archive_path, err)
// Entrypoint for the `import` command. Given an srcdir, scan it for log files. The log files will be sorted by channel
// and combined into an archive file per channel, placed in `outdir`. The `impall` flag determines whether only channel
// logs will be imported. If `true`, non-channel logs, such as PMs or server messages, will be archived too.
func cmd_import_do(srcdir string, outdir string, impall bool) {
raw_logs := discover_logs(srcdir)
// Sort logs by channel
bychannel := make(map[string][]LogInfo)
for _, log := range raw_logs {
if *cmd_import_all || log.channel[0] == '#' {
bychannel[log.channel] = append(bychannel[log.channel], log)
fmt.Printf("Discovered %v raw logs\n\n", len(raw_logs))
// For each channel
wg := sizedwaitgroup.New(4) // TODO num cores
for channel, logs := range bychannel {
fmt.Printf("Reading %v portions for %s\n", len(logs), channel)
// Open archive file for channel
archive_path := filepath.Join(outdir, fmt.Sprintf("%s.log", channel))
// Archive the channels in parallel
go func(logs []LogInfo, archive_path string) {
defer wg.Done()
archive_log(logs, archive_path)
}(logs, archive_path)
// Entrypint for the `inspect` command. Load an archive file and
func cmd_inspect_do(fpath string) {
log := &CombinedLogfile{
fpath: fpath,
lmin, lmax, err := log.GetRange()
if err != nil {
table := [][]string{
[]string{"file", path.Base(fpath)},
[]string{"channel", log.Channel},
[]string{"network", log.Network},
[]string{"portions", strconv.Itoa(len(log.portions))},
[]string{"lines", strconv.Itoa(log.TotalLines())},
[]string{"start", lmin.Format("2006-01-02")},
[]string{"end", lmax.Format("2006-01-02")},
layout := &tabulate.Layout{Headers:[]string{"property", "value"}, Format:tabulate.SimpleFormat}
asText, _ := tabulate.Tabulate(table, layout)
// Extract a date range from an archive
func cmd_slice_do(srcpath string, destpath string, starttime string, endtime string, raw bool) {
log := &CombinedLogfile{
fpath: srcpath,
if starttime != "" {
tstart := ParseDate(starttime)
log.Limit(tstart, true)
if endtime != "" {
tend := ParseDate(endtime)
log.Limit(tend, false)
err := log.Write(destpath)
if err != nil {
// Split an archive back into original log files
func cmd_split_do(srcpath string, destdir string) {
log := &CombinedLogfile{
fpath: srcpath,
logs_written, err := log.WriteOriginals(destdir)
fmt.Printf("Wrote %v logs\n", logs_written)
func main() {
switch kingpin.Parse() {
case "import":
cmd_import_do(*cmd_import_dir, *cmd_import_output, *cmd_import_all)
case "inspect":
case "slice":
cmd_slice_do(*cmd_slice_src, *cmd_slice_dest, *cmd_slice_start, *cmd_slice_end, *cmd_slice_raw)
case "split":
cmd_split_do(*cmd_split_src, *cmd_split_dest)