
341 lines
13 KiB

import os
import math
import json
import signal
import socket
import logging
import argparse
from time import sleep
from select import select
from threading import Thread, Lock
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from docker import tls # NOQA
from docker import Client
from jinja2 import Environment
from loginjector.template import DEFAULT_TEMPLATE
def shell():
format="%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)-8s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d %(message)s")
[logging.getLogger(mute).setLevel(logging.ERROR) for mute in ["docker", "requests"]]
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Python logging daemon")
parser.add_argument('-s', '--socket', default="unix://var/run/docker.sock",
help="Path or URL to docker daemon socket")
# parser.add_argument('-t', '--template', required=False, help="Path to syslog template")
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', default="/var/log/container/", help="Path to host log output dir")
args = parser.parse_args()
# TODO support ssl
# client_certs = tls.TLSConfig(client_cert=('/Users/dave/.docker/machine/machines/digio/cert.pem',
# '/Users/dave/.docker/machine/machines/digio/key.pem'),
# verify='/Users/dave/.docker/machine/machines/digio/ca.pem')
docker_c = Client(base_url=args.socket, version='auto') # , tls=client_certs)
# test connection
# TODO support template file from arg
# with open(args.template) as f:
# template_contents = f.read()
daemon = LogInjectorDaemon(docker_c, output_dir=args.output)
class LogInjectorDaemon(object):
EVENT_FILTERS_STOPSTART = {"type": "container",
"event": ["stop",
detector = namedtuple("Detector", "match paths")
def __init__(self, docker_client, output_dir, syslog_template=DEFAULT_TEMPLATE):
self.docker = docker_client
self.alive = True
self.template = syslog_template
self.use_builtins = {'nginx', 'php-fpm', 'xxx'}
self.output_dir = os.path.abspath(output_dir)
self.docker_bridge_ip = None
self.detectors = {
"nginx": LogInjectorDaemon.detector("nginx",
[{"path": "/var/log/nginx/access.log", "level": "info"},
{"path": "/var/log/nginx/error.log", "level": "error"}]),
"php-fpm": LogInjectorDaemon.detector(lambda x: 'php-fpm' in x and 'master process' in x,
[{"path": "/var/log/php5-fpm.log", "level": "info"}]),
self.loggers = {}
self.loggers_lock = Lock()
self.container_names = {}
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.signal_handler)
def signal_handler(self, signum, frame):
logging.warning("Got signal {}, setting exit flag".format(signum))
self.alive = False
def run(self):
Start all service threads and init listeners on preexisting containers
change_listner = Thread(target=self.listen_events, daemon=True)
message_recvr = Thread(target=self.listen_udp, daemon=True)
# Get listing of existing containers and spawn the log listener on each
containers = self.docker.containers()
for container in containers:
Thread(target=self.relisten_on, args=(container["Id"],)).start()
while self.alive:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
logging.warning("Main thread exiting")
def listen_udp(self):
UDP listener thread. Loop through active loggers. If there's data on the line, read it
while self.alive:
with self.loggers_lock:
socket_fnos = list(self.loggers.keys())
readable, _, dead = select(socket_fnos, [], socket_fnos, 0.2)
for fno in readable:
def read_udp(self, fno):
Called when there's data on the line on one of the incoming log data sockets. Read the data and write to the
logger's logfile.
:param fno: file number of the socket with waiting data. also keys of self.loggers
logger = self.loggers[fno]
data = logger["socket"].recv(1024 * 32)
logging.info("{}: writing {} bytes to {}".format(logger["container_id"], len(data), logger["local_logfile"]))
# this seems inefficient
# TODO periodically close/open the file
with open(logger["local_logfile"], 'ab') as f:
os.fsync(f.fileno()) # is this necessary since we're closing the file?l
def listen_events(self):
Docker change listener thread. Subscribes to docker's event api and respond to containers stopping/starting
for e in self.docker.events(filters=LogInjectorDaemon.EVENT_FILTERS_STOPSTART):
event = json.loads(e.decode('UTF-8'))
def handle_event(self, event):
Handle an event received from docker
logging.info("{}: got {} event".format(event["id"], event["status"]))
if event["status"] == "start":
Thread(target=self.relisten_on, args=(event["id"],)).start()
elif event["status"] == "stop":
Thread(target=self.end_listen_on, args=(event["id"],)).start()
def end_listen_on(self, container_id):
Kill local listener for container_id
sleep(10) # kill some time for any straggling log messages to be flushed out
with self.loggers_lock:
loggers_to_close = [l for l in self.loggers.keys() if self.loggers[l]["container_id"] == container_id]
logging.info("{}: was stopped, closing fnos {}".format(container_id, str(loggers_to_close)))
for logger_fno in loggers_to_close:
logger = self.loggers[logger_fno]
del self.loggers[logger_fno]
del self.container_names[container_id]
def relisten_on(self, container_id):
Configure and spawn rsyslog in a container
sleep(2) # hack
if container_id not in self.container_names:
self.container_names[container_id] = self.get_container_name(container_id)
container_name = self.container_names[container_id]
logging.info("{}: setup".format(container_id))
logging.info("{}: is named {}".format(container_id, container_name))
# Check for commonly know processes in the container
ps_output = self.exec_in_container(container_id,
"ps --ppid 2 -p 2 --deselect -o cmd --no-headers").decode('utf-8')
ps_lines = [line.strip() for line in ps_output.split("\n") if line]
# logging.info("{}: running procs: {}".format(container_id, str(ps_lines)))
# look at ps, see no syslog
if any(["rsyslogd" in i for i in ps_lines]):
logging.warning("{}: killing rsyslogd".format(container_id))
self.exec_in_container(container_id, "pkill rsyslogd")
modules_found = self.find_logs(ps_lines)
logging.info("{}: logs detected: {}".format(container_id, str(modules_found)))
modules_use = list(self.use_builtins.intersection({k for k, v in modules_found.items() if v}))
logging.info("{}: using: {}".format(container_id, str(modules_use)))
if len(modules_use) == 0:
logging.info("{}: no log files found, exiting".format(container_id))
return None
syslog_conf = self.render_template(container_id, self.template, modules_use)
# transfer syslog conf
self.write_in_container(container_id, "/etc/rsyslog.conf", syslog_conf)
# start syslog
logging.info("{}: spawning rsyslogd".format(container_id))
self.exec_in_container(container_id, '/usr/sbin/rsyslogd')
def render_template(self, container_id, template_contents, log_modules):
Create a rsyslog config from template
# prepare template vars - only a list of detected log files
logfiles = []
for mod in log_modules:
for path in self.detectors[mod].paths:
original_logname = os.path.basename(path["path"])
# add local listener
new_port = self.add_udp_listener(container_id, mod, original_logname)
logfiles += [{"program": mod,
"path": path["path"],
"level": path["level"],
"logname": original_logname,
"dest_ip": self.docker_bridge_ip,
"dest_port": new_port,
"container_id": container_id}]
# generate syslog config
return Environment().from_string(template_contents).render(logfiles=logfiles)
def get_container_name(self, container_id):
container_info = self.docker.inspect_container(container_id)
raw_name = container_info["Name"]
# strip leading slash
raw_name = raw_name[1:]
# hack: lazy loading of bridge ip - we must listen for udp packets on the docker bridge interface, so we need
# the IP for binding. Lazily set it after the first container is fetched from the docker host, as this will
# always happen before any udp binding
if not self.docker_bridge_ip:
bridge_ip = container_info["NetworkSettings"]["Networks"]["bridge"]["Gateway"]
logging.info("Found bridge ip: {}".format(bridge_ip))
self.docker_bridge_ip = bridge_ip
return raw_name
def add_udp_listener(self, container_id, program, original_logname):
Listen on a random UDP socket and create a new listener. A listener is an association between a udp port and
a log file source. Return the port number
:param container_name: container name
:param program: program name in the container
:param container_id: should be obvious
:return: int port number
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
s.bind((self.docker_bridge_ip, 0))
log_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.container_names[container_id], program, original_logname)
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(log_path), exist_ok=True)
self.loggers[s.fileno()] = {"socket": s,
"container_id": container_id,
"program": program,
"logfile": original_logname,
"local_logfile": log_path}
return s.getsockname()[1]
def find_logs(self, process_names):
Given a list of process names, guess common places for their logs to be
hits = defaultdict(type(False))
for det_name, det in self.detectors.items():
for process_name in process_names:
if (type(det.match) == str and det.match in process_name) or \
(hasattr(det.match, '__call__') and det.match(process_name)):
hits[det_name] = True
return {name: hits[name] for name in self.detectors.keys()}
def exec_in_container(self, container_id, cmd_str):
Execute a command in a container
e = self.docker.exec_create(container=container_id, cmd=cmd_str)
return self.docker.exec_start(e["Id"])
def write_in_container(self, container_id, path, contents):
This is ugly and sucks
logging.info("{}: writing {} bytes to container's {}".format(container_id, len(contents), path))
if type(contents) != bytes:
contents = contents.encode('UTF-8')
chunk_size = 1024 * 16
total_chunks = math.ceil(len(contents) / chunk_size)
# logging.info("Fsize={}, chunk={}, total_chunks={}".format(len(contents), chunk_size, total_chunks))
for i in range(0, total_chunks):
chunk = []
for byte in contents[chunk_size * i:chunk_size * i + chunk_size]:
chunk.append('\\\\x' + hex(byte)[2:])
"bash -c -- 'printf {} {} {}'".format(''.join(chunk),
">" if i == 0 else ">>",