
21 lines
923 B

from shipper.lib import ShipperJob, SshConnection, CmdTask, RsyncTask, GitCheckoutTask
job = ShipperJob()
# We have a username and private key file this time. Keyfile paths are relative to the script dir.
job.default_connection(SshConnection("", "dave", key="keyfile.pem"))
# Checkout some code
# Note that this will use the keyfile specified above.
# connection=SshConnection(...) can also be specified on GitCheckoutTask. Clone URLs starting with 'ssh' will require
# a private key; urls starting with 'https' will require a username & password.
job.add_task(GitCheckoutTask("ssh://", "code", branch="master"))
# Inspect the code locally
job.add_task(CmdTask("ls -la code/"))
job.add_task(CmdTask("du -sh code"))
# Copy the code to some other host (using the ssh key above and username here for auth)
job.add_task(RsyncTask("./code/", "user@host:/var/deploy/"))