
248 lines
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import os
import json
import signal
import logging
import argparse
import subprocess
from time import sleep
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from threading import Thread
from zhypervisor.logging import setup_logging
from zhypervisor.machine import MachineSpec
from zhypervisor.api.api import ZApi
from pprint import pprint
class ZHypervisorDaemon(object):
def __init__(self, config):
Z Hypervisor main thread. Roles:
- Load and start machines and API on init
- Cleanup on shutdown
- Committing changes to machines to disk
- Primary interface to modify machines
self.config = config # JSON config listing, mainly, datastore paths
self.datastores = {} # Mapping of datastore name -> objects
self.machines = {} # Mapping of machine name -> objects
self.running = True
# Set up datastores and use the default datastore for "State" storage
self.state = ZConfig(self.datastores["default"])
# start API
self.api = ZApi(self)
# Set up shutdown signal handlers
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.signal_handler) # ctrl-c
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.signal_handler) # sigterm
def init_datastores(self):
Per datastore in the config, create a ZDataStore object
for name, info in self.config["datastores"].items():
self.datastores[name] = ZDataStore(name, info["path"], info.get("init", False))
def init_machines(self):
Per machine in the on-disk state, create a machine object
for machine_info in self.state.get_machines():
machine_id = machine_info["machine_id"]
self.add_machine(machine_id, machine_info["machine_type"], machine_info["spec"])
def signal_handler(self, signum, frame):
Handle signals sent to the daemon. On any, exit.
logging.critical("Got signal {}".format(signum))
def run(self):
Main loop of the daemon. Sets up & starts machines, runs api, and waits.
def stop(self):
SHut down the hypervisor. Stop the API then shut down machines
self.running = False
with ThreadPoolExecutor(10) as pool:
for machine_id in self.machines.keys():
pool.submit(self.forceful_stop, machine_id)
# Sequential shutdown code below is easier to debug
# for machine_id in self.machines.keys():
# self.forceful_stop(machine_id)
# Below here are methods external forces may use to manipulate disks
def create_disk(self, datastore, name, fmt, size=None):
Create a disk. Disks represent arbitrary storage
@TODO support formats passed by runnable modules
:param datastore: datastore to store the disk in
:param name: name for the disk
:param size: size of the disk, in mb, if applicable
:param format: format of the disk
disk_path = self.datastores[datastore].get_filepath(name)
assert not os.path.exists(disk_path), "Disk already exists!"
img_args = ["qemu-img", "create", "-f", fmt, disk_path, "{}M".format(int(size))]
logging.info("Creating disk with: %s", str(img_args))
# Below here are methods external forces may use to manipulate machines
def add_machine(self, machine_id, machine_type, machine_spec, write=False):
Create or update a machine.
:param machine_id: alphanumeric id of machine to modify/create
:param machine_type: runnable type e.g. "q"
:param machine_spec: dictionary of machine options - see example/ubuntu.json
:param write: commit machinge changes to on-disk state
# Find / create the machine
if machine_id in self.machines:
machine = self.machines[machine_id]
machine.options = machine_spec["options"]
machine.properties = machine_spec["properties"]
machine = MachineSpec(self, machine_id, machine_type, machine_spec)
self.machines[machine_id] = machine
# Update if necessary
if write:
self.state.write_machine(machine_id, machine_type, machine_spec)
# Launch if machine is an autostarted machine
if machine.options.get("autostart", False) and machine.machine.get_status() == "stopped":
def forceful_stop(self, machine_id, timeout=10): # make this timeout longer?
Gracefully stop a machine by asking it nicely, waiting some time, then forcefully killing it.
machine_spec = self.machines[machine_id]
nice_stop = Thread(target=machine_spec.stop)
if nice_stop.is_alive():
logging.error("%s did not respond in %s seconds, killing", machine_id, timeout)
def remove_machine(self, machine_id):
Remove a stopped machine from the system. The machine should already be stopped.
assert self.machines[machine_id].machine.get_status() == "stopped"
del self.machines[machine_id]
class ZDataStore(object):
Helper module representing a data storage location somewhere on disk
def __init__(self, name, root_path, init_ok=False):
self.name = name
self.root_path = root_path
os.makedirs(self.root_path, exist_ok=True)
metainfo_path = self.get_filepath(".datastore.json")
assert os.path.exists(metainfo_path), "Datastore missing or not initialized! " \
"File not found: {}".format(metainfo_path)
if init_ok:
with open(metainfo_path, "w") as f:
json.dump({}, f)
logging.info("Initialized datastore %s at %s", name, self.root_path)
def get_filepath(self, *paths):
return os.path.join(self.root_path, *paths)
class ZConfig(object):
The Z Hypervisor daemon's interface to the on-disk config
def __init__(self, datastore):
self.datastore = datastore
self.machine_data_dir = self.datastore.get_filepath("machines")
for d in [self.machine_data_dir]:
os.makedirs(d, exist_ok=True)
def get_machines(self):
Return config of all machines on disk
machines = []
logging.info("Looking for machines in {}".format(self.machine_data_dir))
for mach_name in os.listdir(self.machine_data_dir):
with open(os.path.join(self.machine_data_dir, mach_name), "r") as f:
return machines
def write_machine(self, machine_id, machine_type, machine_spec):
Write a machine's config to the disk. Params similar to elsewhere.
with open(os.path.join(self.machine_data_dir, "{}.json".format(machine_id)), "w") as f:
json.dump({"machine_id": machine_id,
"machine_type": machine_type,
"spec": machine_spec}, f, indent=4)
def write_machine_o(self, machine_obj):
Similar to write_machine, but accepts a MachineSpec object
self.write_machine(machine_obj.machine_id, machine_obj.machine_type, machine_obj.serialize())
def remove_machine(self, machine_id):
Remove a machine from the on disk state
json_path = os.path.join(self.machine_data_dir, "{}.json".format(machine_id))
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", default="/etc/zd.json", help="Config file path")
args = parser.parse_args()
if not os.path.exists(args.config):
logging.warning("Config does not exist, attempting to write default config")
with open(args.config, "w") as f:
json.dump({"nodename": "examplenode",
"access": [("root", "toor", 0)],
"state": "/opt/datastore/state/",
"datastores": {
"default": {
"path": "/opt/z/datastore/machines/"
}}, f, indent=4)
with open(args.config) as f:
config = json.load(f)
z = ZHypervisorDaemon(config)
print("Z has been shut down")