support multiple stock apis

This commit is contained in:
dave 2020-04-08 22:56:07 -07:00
parent 166807e181
commit 4b9df815e0
3 changed files with 323 additions and 107 deletions

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@ -15,13 +15,12 @@ Considering the daily limit means, when evenly spread, we can sent a request *no
`(24 * 60 * 60 / 500)` - and therefore, the value of *bginterval* must be some value larger than 173, as this value will
completely consume the daily limit.
When trading, the price of the traded symbol is allowed to be *tcachesecs* seconds old before the API will be used to
fetch a more recent price. This value must be balanced against *bginterval* depending on your trade frequency
When trading, the price of the traded symbol is allowed to be *trade_cache_seconds* seconds old before the API will be
used to fetch a more recent price. This value must be balanced against *bginterval* depending on your trade frequency
and variety.
Background or batch-style tasks that rely on symbol prices run afoul with the above constraints - but in a
magnified way as they rely on api-provided data to calculate player stats across many players at a time. The
*rcachesecs* setting controls the maximum price age before the API is hit.
magnified way as they rely on api-provided data to calculate player stats across many players at a time.
@ -39,8 +38,7 @@ Commands
Get a report on the calling player's portfolio. Another player's name can be passed as an argument to retrieve
information about a player other than the calling player. Finally, the 'full' argument can be added to retrieve a
full listing of the player's holdings. Per the above, values based on symbol prices may be delayed based on the
*rcachesecs* config setting.
full listing of the player's holdings.
@ -51,13 +49,20 @@ Config
"startbalance": 10000,
"tradedelay": 0,
"apikey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"tcachesecs": 300,
"rcachesecs": 14400,
"trade_cache_seconds": 300,
"bginterval": 300,
"midnight_offset": 0,
"announce_trades": false,
"announce_channel": "#trades"
"announce_channel": "#trades",
"providers": [
"provider": "iexcloud",
"apikey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
"provider": "alphavantage",
"apikey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
.. cmdoption:: startbalance
@ -71,22 +76,21 @@ Config
.. cmdoption:: apikey
.. cmdoption:: providers
API key from
A list of providers to fetch stock data from
.. cmdoption:: tcachesecs
Supported providers:
.. cmdoption:: trade_cache_seconds
When performing a trade, how old of a cached symbol price is permitted before fetching from API.
Recommended ~30 minutes (1800)
.. cmdoption:: rcachesecs
When calculating a portfolio report, how old of a cached symbol price is permitted before fetching from API.
Recommended ~4 hours (14400)
.. cmdoption:: bginterval
Symbol prices are updated in the background. This is necessary because fetching a portfolio report may require
@ -94,7 +98,7 @@ Config
fetching a report would take multiple minutes with more than 5 symbols, which would not work.
For this reason, we update symbols at a low interval in the background. Every *bginterval* seconds, a task will be
started that updates the price of symbols older than *rcachesecs*.
started that updates the price of the oldest symbol.
Estimated 5 minute (300), but likely will need tuning depending on playerbase

View File

@ -136,12 +136,15 @@ class StockPlay(ModuleBase):
# `data` text
# );""")
self.cache = PriceCache(self)
# Last time the interval tasks were executed
self.task_time = 0
# background work executor thread
self.asyncq = Queue()
self.running = True
self.trader = Thread(target=self.trader_background)
@ -196,7 +199,7 @@ class StockPlay(ModuleBase):
c.execute("UPDATE stockplay_prices SET attempt_time=? WHERE symbol=?;", (time(), updatesym))
if updatesym:
self.get_price(updatesym, 0)
self.cache.get_price(updatesym, 0)
except Exception:
@ -262,19 +265,18 @@ class StockPlay(ModuleBase):
# Update quote price
symprice = self.get_price(trade.symbol, self.config["tcachesecs"])
price = self.cache.get_price(trade.symbol, self.config["trade_cache_seconds"])
except Exception:
traceback.print_exc(), "{}: invalid symbol or api failure, trade aborted!"
if symprice is None:
if price is None:,
"{}: invalid symbol '{}'".format(trade.nick, trade.symbol))
return # invalid stock
if not symprice and, "{}: trading is halted on '{}'".format(trade.nick, trade.symbol))
symprice = price.price
# calculate various prices needed
# symprice -= Decimal("0.0001") # for testing dust collection
@ -394,9 +396,10 @@ class StockPlay(ModuleBase):
(nick, )).fetchall():
# the API limits us to 5 requests per minute or 500 requests per day or about 1 request every 173s
# The background thread updates the oldest price every 5 minutes. Here, we allow even very stale quotes
# because it's simply impossible to request fresh data for every stock right now. Recommended rcachesecs
# is 86400 (1 day)
symprice = Decimal(self.get_price(row["symbol"], -1))
# because it's simply impossible to request fresh data for every stock right now.
print("build_report: processing", row["symbol"])
price = self.cache.get_price(row["symbol"], -1)
symprice = price.price
holding_value += symprice * row["count"]
avgbuy = self.calc_user_avgbuy(nick, row["symbol"])
@ -435,83 +438,6 @@ class StockPlay(ModuleBase):
self.task_time = now
def get_price(self, symbol, thresh=None):
Get symbol price, with quote being at most $thresh seconds old
return self.get_priceinfo_cached(symbol, thresh or 60)["price"]
def get_priceinfo_cached(self, symbol, thresh):
Return the cached symbol price if it's more recent than the last 15 minutes
Otherwise, fetch the price then cache and return it.
cached = self._get_cache_priceinfo(symbol, thresh)
if not cached:
cached = self.fetch_priceinfo(symbol)
if cached:
self._set_cache_priceinfo(symbol, cached)
numfields = set(['open', 'high', 'low', 'price', 'volume', 'change', 'previous close'])
return {k: Decimal(v) if k in numfields else v for k, v in cached.items()}
def _set_cache_priceinfo(self, symbol, data):
with closing(self.sql.getCursor()) as c:
c.execute("REPLACE INTO stockplay_prices (symbol, attempt_time, time, data) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
(symbol, time(), time(), json.dumps(data)))
def _get_cache_priceinfo(self, symbol, thresh):
with closing(self.sql.getCursor()) as c:
row = c.execute("SELECT * FROM stockplay_prices WHERE symbol=?",
(symbol, )).fetchone()
if not row:
if thresh != -1 and time() - row["time"] > thresh:
return json.loads(row["data"])
def fetch_priceinfo(self, symbol):
Request a stock quote from the API. The API provides the format::
{'Global Quote': {
{'01. symbol': 'MSFT',
'02. open': '104.3900',
'03. high': '105.7800',
'04. low': '104.2603',
'05. price': '105.6700',
'06. volume': '21461093',
'07. latest trading day':'2019-02-08',
'08. previous close':'105.2700',
'09. change': '0.4000',
'10. change percent': '0.3800%'}}
Reformat as::
{'symbol': 'AMD',
'open': '22.3300',
'high': '23.2750',
'low': '22.2700',
'price': '23.0500',
'volume': '78129280',
'latest trading day': '2019-02-08',
'previous close': '22.6700',
'change': '0.3800',
'change percent': '1.6762%'}
keys = set(['symbol', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'price', 'volume',
'latest trading day', 'previous close', 'change', 'change percent'])"fetching api quote for symbol: {}".format(symbol))
data = get("",
params={"function": "GLOBAL_QUOTE",
"symbol": symbol,
"apikey": self.config["apikey"]},
data = data["Global Quote"]
if not data:
return None
return {k[4:]: v for k, v in data.items() if k[4:] in keys}
def checksym(self, s):
Validate that a string looks like a stock symbol
@ -672,3 +598,217 @@ class StockPlay(ModuleBase):
total = int((data["cash"] + data["holding_value"]) * 100)"Recording {} daily balance for {}".format(now, row["nick"]))
c.execute("INSERT INTO stockplay_balance_history VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (row["nick"], now, total))
class PriceCache(object):
def __init__(self, mod):
self.sql = mod.sql
self.log = mod.log
self.mod = mod
self.providers = []
self.which_provider = dict()
self.unsupported = set()
def configure_providers(self, config):
for provider in config:
self.providers.append(PROVIDER_TYPES[provider["provider"]](provider, self.log))
def get_price(self, symbol, thresh):
if symbol in self.unsupported:
symbol = symbol.upper()
# load from cache
price = self._load_priceinfo(symbol)
# if present and meets thresh
if price and (thresh == -1 or time() - price.time < thresh):
return price
return self.api_fetch(symbol)
def api_fetch(self, symbol):
fetched = None
if symbol in self.which_provider:
fetched = self.which_provider[symbol].get_price(symbol)
if not fetched:
for provider in self.providers:
fetched = provider.get_price(symbol)
self.which_provider[symbol] = provider
except NotSupported as nse:
self.unsupported.update([symbol])"provider {}: {}".format(provider.__class__.__name__, nse))
if not fetched:
self.log.critical("unsupported symbol: %s", symbol)
return fetched
def _store_priceinfo(self, price):
with closing(self.sql.getCursor()) as c:
c.execute("REPLACE INTO stockplay_prices (symbol, attempt_time, time, data) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
(price.symbol, price.time, time(), price.to_json()))
def _load_priceinfo(self, symbol):
with closing(self.sql.getCursor()) as c:
row = c.execute("SELECT * FROM stockplay_prices WHERE symbol=?",
(symbol, )).fetchone()
if not row:
return Price.from_json(row["data"])
class Price(object):
def __init__(self, symbol, price, time_):
self.symbol = symbol.upper()
self.price = round(Decimal(price), 4)
self.time = time_
def to_json(self):
return json.dumps({
"symbol": self.symbol,
"price": str(self.price),
"time": self.time,
def from_json(data):
data = json.loads(data)
return Price(data["symbol"].upper(), data["price"], data.get("time", 0))
class PriceProvider(object):
def __init__(self, config, logger):
"provider": "alphavantage",
"apikey": "BN3KE46OC2J4X9HJ",
self.config = config
self.log = logger
def get_price(self, symbol):
:return: tuple of:
* price (as a Decimal)
* next_after (the time() after which the next background call should happen)
or raise:
NotSupported - if the symbol isnt supported
raise NotImplementedError()
class IEXCloudProvider(PriceProvider):
def get_price(self, symbol):
Request a stock quote from the API. The API provides the format::
{"symbol": "AAPL",
"companyName": "Apple, Inc.",
"calculationPrice": "close",
"open": 184.7,
"openTime": 1552656600847,
"close": 186.12,
"closeTime": 1552680000497,
"high": 187.33,
"low": 183.74,
"latestPrice": 186.12,
"latestSource": "Close",
"latestTime": "March 15, 2019",
"latestUpdate": 1552680000497,
"latestVolume": 39141464,
"iexRealtimePrice": 186.195,
"iexRealtimeSize": 100,
"iexLastUpdated": 1552679999536,
"delayedPrice": 186.124,
"delayedPriceTime": 1552680900008,
"extendedPrice": 185.92,
"extendedChange": -0.2,
"extendedChangePercent": -0.00107,
"extendedPriceTime": 1552693471549,
"previousClose": 183.73,
"change": 2.39,
"changePercent": 0.01301,
"iexMarketPercent": 0.021849182749015213,
"iexVolume": 855209,
"avgTotalVolume": 25834564,
"iexBidPrice": 0,
"iexBidSize": 0,
"iexAskPrice": 0,
"iexAskSize": 0,
"marketCap": 877607913600,
"peRatio": 15.17,
"week52High": 233.47,
"week52Low": 142,
"ytdChange": 0.176447}
""""{}: fetching api quote for symbol: {}".format(self.__class__.__name__, symbol))
response = get("{}/quote".format(symbol.lower()),
params={"token": self.config["apikey"]},
if response.status_code != 200:
if response.status_code == 404:
raise NotSupported(symbol)
data = response.json()
return Price(symbol, Decimal(data["latestPrice"]), int(time()))
class AlphaVantProvider(PriceProvider):
def get_price(self, symbol):
Request a stock quote from the API. The API provides the format::
{'Global Quote': {
{'01. symbol': 'MSFT',
'02. open': '104.3900',
'03. high': '105.7800',
'04. low': '104.2603',
'05. price': '105.6700',
'06. volume': '21461093',
'07. latest trading day':'2019-02-08',
'08. previous close':'105.2700',
'09. change': '0.4000',
'10. change percent': '0.3800%'}}
""""{}: fetching api quote for symbol: {}".format(self.__class__.__name__, symbol))
data = get("",
params={"function": "GLOBAL_QUOTE",
"symbol": symbol,
"apikey": self.config["apikey"]},
if "Global Quote" not in data:
raise NotSupported(symbol)
return Price(symbol, Decimal(data["Global Quote"]["05. price"]), int(time()))
"iexcloud": IEXCloudProvider,
"alphavantage": AlphaVantProvider
class NotSupported(Exception):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
import pytest
from contextlib import closing
from tests.lib import * # NOQA - fixtures
from time import sleep, time
import datetime
def stockbot(fakebot):
Provide a bot loaded with the Calc module. Clear the database.
fakebot.botconfig["module_configs"]["StockPlay"] = {
"startbalance": 10000,
"tradedelay": 0,
"tcachesecs": 120,
"bginterval": 45,
"announce_trades": True,
"announce_channel": "#trades",
"providers": [
"provider": "iexcloud",
"apikey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"background_interval": 1
"provider": "alphavantage",
"apikey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"background_interval": 1
# with closing(fakebot.moduleInstances["SQLite"].opendb("remind.db")) as db:
# db.query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `reminders`;")
# fakebot.loadmodule("Remind")
# os.system("cp /Users/dave/code/pyircbot-work/examples/data2/data/SQLite/stockplay.db {}".format(fakebot.moduleInstances["SQLite"].getFilePath()))
# os.system("ln -s /Users/dave/code/pyircbot-work/examples/data2/data/SQLite/stockplay.db {}".format(fakebot.moduleInstances["SQLite"].getFilePath()))
return fakebot
# @pytest.mark.slow
# def test_stockplay(stockbot):
# sp = stockbot.moduleInstances["StockPlay"]
# # import pdb
# # pdb.set_trace()
# # print(sp.cache)
# # print(sp.cache.get_price("AmD", 60))
# # print(sp.cache.get_price("AmD", 60))
# # print(sp.cache.get_price("AmD", 60))
# # print(sp.cache.get_price("nut", 60))
# symbols = set()
# with closing(sp.sql.getCursor()) as c:
# for row in c.execute("SELECT * FROM stockplay_holdings").fetchall():
# symbols.update([row["symbol"].lower()])
# print(symbols)
# # # symbols = "a bah chk crm cron f fb mdla nio too tsla".split()
# for symbol in symbols:
# p = sp.cache.get_price(symbol, 0)
# if not p:
# print("not supported:", symbol)
# continue
# print(symbol, "age: ", time() - p.time)
# # print(sp.cache.get_price("gigl", 60))