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:mod:`NickUser` --- A simple authentication service
A module providing a simple login/logout account service. "Trust" is based upon
hostname - logging in autorizes your current hostname for your account data,
which is tied to your nick.
.. cmdoption:: .setpass <oldpass> <newpass>
Set or change your password. Users with a password already must provide the
old password to set a new one.
.. cmdoption:: .login <password>
Log into your account (authorize your current hostname)
.. cmdoption:: .logout
Log out of account (deauthorize your current hostname)
NickUser provides a decorator that can be used to lock module commands methods
behind a login:
.. code-block:: python
from pyircbot.modulebase import ModuleBase, command
from pyircbot.modules.NickUser import protected
class MyModule(ModuleBase):
@command("foo", allow_private=True)
def cmd_foo(self, message, command):
print(message.prefix.nick, "called foo whiled logged in!")
Class Reference
.. automodule:: pyircbot.modules.NickUser