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Database-Specific Adapter Options
Each adapter supports one common option:
The name of the driver to use for this database. Defaults to
"auto", meaning to choose the best driver from among the
possibilities. Most of the time this option should be omitted and
RelStorage will choose the best option.
This is handy to set when an environment might have multiple
drivers installed, some of which might be non-optimal. For
example, on PyPy, PyMySQL is generally faster than MySQLdb, but
both can be installed (in the form of mysqlclient for the latter).
This is also convenient when using zodbshootout to compare driver
If you specify a driver that is not installed, an error will be raised.
Each adapter will document the available driver names.
.. versionadded:: 2.0b2
PostgreSQL Adapter Options
RelStorage 2.1 performs best with PostgreSQL 9.5 or above.
The PostgreSQL adapter accepts:
The possible options are:
A C-based driver that requires the PostgreSQL development
libraries. Optimal on CPython, but not compatible with gevent.
A C-based driver that requires the PostgreSQL development
libraries. Optimal on PyPy and almost indistinguishable from
psycopg2 on CPython. Not compatible with gevent.
A pure-Python driver suitable for use with gevent. Works on all
supported platforms.
.. note:: pg8000 requires PostgreSQL 9.4 or above for BLOB support.
Specifies the data source name for connecting to PostgreSQL.
A PostgreSQL DSN is a list of parameters separated with
whitespace. A typical DSN looks like::
dbname='zodb' user='username' host='localhost' password='pass'
If dsn is omitted, the adapter will connect to a local database with
no password. Both the user and database name will match the
name of the owner of the current process.
MySQL Adapter Options
The MySQL adapter accepts most parameters supported by the mysqlclient
library (the maintained version of MySQL-python), including:
The possible options are:
A C-based driver that requires the MySQL client development
libraries.. This is best provided by the PyPI distribution
`mysqlclient <>`_. (It
can also be provided by the legacy `MySQL-python
<>`_ distribution,
but only on CPython 2; this distribution is no longer tested.)
These drivers are *not* compatible with gevent.
A pure-Python driver provided by the distribution of the same
name. It works with CPython 2 and 3 and PyPy (where it is
preferred). It is compatible with gevent.
A C-based driver that builds on PyMySQL. It is compatible with
gevent, but only works on CPython 2. It does not require the
MySQL client development libraries but uses a project called
``umysql`` to communicate with the server using only sockets.
.. note:: Make sure the server has a
``max_allowed_packet`` setting no larger than 16MB. Also
make sure that RelStorage's ``blob-chunk-size`` is less than
16MB as well.
.. note:: `This fork of umysqldb
<>`_ is
recommended. The ``full-buffer`` branch of `this ultramysql
is also recommended if you encounter strange MySQL packet
MySQL Connector/Python
This is the `official client
<>`_ provided by
Oracle. It generally cannot be installed from PyPI or by pip if
you want the optional C extension. It has an optional C
extension that must be built manually. The C extension (which
requires the MySQL client development libraries) performs
about as well as mysqlclient, but the pure-python version
somewhat slower than PyMySQL. However, it supports more advanced
options for failover and high availability.
When using this name, RelStorage will use the C extension if
available, otherwise it will use the Python version.
Binary packages are distributed by Oracle for many platforms
and include the necessary native libraries and C extension.
.. versionadded:: 2.1a1
C MySQL Connector/Python
The same as above, but RelStorage will only use the C extension.
This is not compatible with gevent.
Py MySQL Connector/Python
Like the above, but RelStorage will use the pure-Python version
only. This is compatible with gevent.
string, host to connect
string, user to connect as
string, password to use
string, database to use
integer, TCP/IP port to connect to
string, location of unix_socket (UNIX-ish only)
mapping, maps MySQL FIELD_TYPE.* to Python functions which convert a
string to the appropriate Python type
number of seconds to wait before the connection attempt fails.
if set, gzip compression is enabled
if set, connect to server via named pipe (Windows only)
command which is run once the connection is created
see the MySQL documentation for mysql_options()
see the MySQL documentation for mysql_options()
client flags from MySQLdb.constants.CLIENT
int, non-zero enables LOAD LOCAL INFILE, zero disables
Oracle Adapter Options
The Oracle adapter accepts:
Other than "auto" the only supported value is "cx_Oracle".
The Oracle account name
The Oracle account password
The Oracle data source name. The Oracle client library will
normally expect to find the DSN in ``/etc/oratab``.