
166 lines
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"""OID tree traversal for the garbage collection phase of packing.
Optimized for memory efficiency. Uses sets of native integers
rather than Python integers because native integers take up a lot less
room in RAM.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import BTrees
import collections
import gc
import logging
from relstorage._compat import iteritems
IIunion32 = BTrees.family32.II.union
IISet32 = BTrees.family32.II.Set
IISet64 = BTrees.family64.II.Set
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class IISet32X(object):
"""An IISet32 extended with a Python set layer for efficient inserts."""
def __init__(self):
self._base = IISet32()
self._layer = set()
def add(self, key):
layer = self._layer
if key not in layer and key not in self._base:
if len(layer) > 10000:
def _apply(self):
"""Add the layer to the base and reset the layer."""
if self._layer:
self._base = IIunion32(self._base, IISet32(self._layer))
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._base)
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self._layer or key in self._base
class TreeMarker(object):
"""Finds all OIDs reachable from a set of root OIDs."""
# This class groups OIDs by their upper 33 bits. Why 33 instead
# of 32? Because IISet and IIBucket are signed, they can not accept
# positive integers >= (1 << 31). The solution is to simply
# add an extra grouping bit.
hi = 0xffffffff80000000 # 33 high bits
lo = 0x000000007fffffff # 31 low bits
def __init__(self):
# self._refs:
# {from_oid_hi: {to_oid_hi: IISet64([from_oid_lo << 32 | to_oid_lo])}}
self._refs = collections.defaultdict(
lambda: collections.defaultdict(IISet64))
# self._reachable: {oid_hi: IISet32X}
self._reachable = collections.defaultdict(IISet32X)
self.reachable_count = 0
def add_refs(self, pairs):
"""Add a list of (from_oid, to_oid) reference pairs.
`from_oid` and `to_oid` must be 64 bit integers.
refs = self._refs
hi = self.hi
lo = self.lo
for from_oid, to_oid in pairs:
s = refs[from_oid & hi][to_oid & hi]
s.add(((from_oid & lo) << 32) | (to_oid & lo))
def mark(self, oids):
"""Mark specific OIDs and descendants of those OIDs as reachable."""
hi = self.hi
lo = self.lo
pass_count = 1
# this_pass: {oid_hi: IISet32X}
this_pass = collections.defaultdict(IISet32X)
for oid in sorted(oids):
this_pass[oid & hi].add(int(oid & lo))
while this_pass:
found, next_pass = self._mark_pass(this_pass)
"Found %d more referenced object(s) in pass %d",
found, pass_count)
if not found:
self.reachable_count += found
pass_count += 1
this_pass = next_pass
return pass_count
def _mark_pass(self, this_pass):
"""Mark OIDs as reachable. Produce an OID set for the next pass.
Return (found, next_pass), where `found` is the number of
new OIDs marked and `next_pass` is the collection of OIDs to
follow in the next pass.
# pylint:disable=too-many-locals
# next_pass: {oid_hi: IISet32X}
next_pass = collections.defaultdict(IISet32X)
found = 0
refs = self._refs
reachable = self._reachable
lo = self.lo
for oid_hi, oids_lo in iteritems(this_pass):
from_reachable_set = reachable[oid_hi]
for oid_lo in oids_lo:
if oid_lo in from_reachable_set:
# This OID is already known to be reachable.
found += 1
if oid_hi not in refs:
# This OID doesn't reference anything.
# Add the children of this OID to next_pass.
for to_oid_hi, s in iteritems(refs[oid_hi]):
min_key = oid_lo << 32
max_key = min_key | 0xffffffff
keys = s.keys(min=min_key, max=max_key)
if not keys:
# No references found here.
to_reachable_set = reachable[to_oid_hi]
next_pass_add = next_pass[to_oid_hi].add
for key in keys:
child_oid_lo = int(key & lo)
if child_oid_lo not in to_reachable_set:
return found, next_pass
def free_refs(self):
"""Free the collection of refs to save RAM."""
self._refs = None
def reachable(self):
"""Iterate over all the reachable OIDs."""
for oid_hi, oids_lo in iteritems(self._reachable):
for oid_lo in oids_lo:
# Decode the OID.
yield oid_hi | oid_lo